Let's Connect

1:1 Mindset Shift / Raising Emotional Intelligence


This is a FAST TRACK, 6 WEEKS OR LESS - DEEP DIVE into your Subconscious mind to create positive effects on your Health, Happiness, Relationships and Success! All from the comfort of your own home!  We work over Zoom.  


Imagine Long-lasting Relief From: 


Stress, Overwhelm,

Feeling Stuck,




Unable to Forgive,

Feeling Less-Than or Not Good Enough,

Imposter Syndrome,

Not Reaching Goals,

Chronic Procrastination,

Unhealthy Relationships,

Inability to Sleep,

Inability to Heal,

Unexplained Pain or Illness,

Unhealthy Boundaries,

Always Doing For Others Without Taking Care of Self,


Feeling Unworthy,

Money Issues

and More!  


 I believe that God did not create us with all the burdens we are carrying around.  They are all the result of what we experienced, felt, and believed as children - whether it was true or not.  This process allows you to unburden yourself and get back on the path and the life that you were created to live!


Utilizing visualization we raise your Emotional Intelligence and in turn -  massive transformation occurs at the subconscious level - the root cause of it all.  You are no longer triggered by the same occurrences.  You are now in control of YOU!


If you have tried everything but nothing has worked or it simply was not long-lasting, if you are committed to finally being rid of all that is holding you back - this is the answer you have been looking for so apply now as spots are limited.  These are 2 hour sessions once a week for an average of 4 weeks!  Not Years ... WEEKS with LONG-LASTING RESULTS! Oh and I put my money where my mouth is.  This comes with an OUTCOME GUARANTEE!


Sessions are conveniently held over Zoom so you remain in the comfort of your own home or office.  It is gentle and safe, yet highly effective and long-lasting!


Take a look at just a handful of testimonials below.  Then schedule a call to find out how you too can start living the life you crave!  


Client & Doctor Testimonials 

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Schedule a 1 Hour Discovery Call and Learn How You Can Start Living Your Best LIfe!


More Testimonials 


"I spent tens of thousands of dollars before finding Rose on: Therapy, Personal Development, Self-Help Books, etc.  I now tell every woman I know to GO SEE ROSE!!!   I am proof that this works!"

 —  Anna L., Dallas


"I was having issues with my back. My holistic doctor told me it was on an emotional plane and that I should reach out to Rose.  I didn't know what in the world that meant but I needed relief and nothing was working.  Rose and I visited and she uncovered over a dozen issues such as; anger, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety and more.  She said she wasn't a doctor and could not guarantee my back pain would go away, but clearing the laundry list of issues I was carrying around could only enhance my life.  She may not be a doctor - but after my 3rd session, my back pain went away!  It is incredible.  Thank you Rose. I feel like I have my life back."

—  Kelly Z, Idaho


"Imagine that every time I heard a man raise his voice my chest got tight and I went into panic mode.  My head began to hurt and then I felt dizzy.  I would get overwhelmed, anxious and stressed out easily.  I had anger.  I had no idea where it came from because I had a great life.  Little did I know that it was all childhood programming.  I am so grateful that my sister-in-law told me about Rose.  Every woman needs, no they deserve, to work with Rose.  She is kind, compassionate and she will dig deep and remove everything that is not helping you live your best life."

 - Midge L., Sacramento, CA 


"Rose I never thought that I could get past my issues of guilt and trauma. I tried so many different things and nothing hit the spot. Thank you for helping me release so much emotional baggage. I will be forever grateful for my sessions. Since our sessions in November, I have noticed a massive change in myself! Thank you" 

 —  Ranita D., Australia


"My Naturopathic Doctor recommended that I see Rose.  It wasn't until after my call with Rose that I realized I said I was "fine" all the time when I really wasn't.  In fact, I was dealing with a ton of stuff including: worry, anger, guilt, shame and more. I have a great husband and beautiful children and a great life ... so I thought I was fine.  I wasn't.  In fact, once I finished working with Rose, my family was amazed at how calm, happy and easy to be around I was.  Thank you Rose.  I have so enjoyed working with you.  You are a doll."

- Anna V., LaJolla, CA


"I left corporate to start my own business.  It is hard.  I started to develop fears and Imposter Syndrome.  I started to worry - all the time - about money.  A friend of mine told me about Rose and I have to say at first, I didn't really understand the way my friend described it but I knew I need to do something.  It is incredible the deep knowledge and compassion Rose has and the tools and techniques that she uses to dive deep into your unconscious mind.  Make the Let's Connect call.  She will put you at ease.  She offers a safe space and is so genuinely nurturing.  She helped uncover deep-seated issues that I was not even aware of.  I am now calm, confident and moving forward in my power - I mean I really feel my power. After the Mindset/Emotional Healing Sessions, I moved on to business coaching with Rose.  She  has helped streamline my business and has me working in my zone of genius! Every woman deserves to experience this level of emotional freedom and I am now experiencing financial freedom.  Thank you Rose."

​- Anna C., Manchester, England


"The only regret I have is NOT finding Rose sooner.  To think of all the years I spent carrying so much baggage, so much pain.  The hurt, shame, feeling unworthy, unlovable.  What a waste of my time and energy.  To the outside world I looked like I had it all together.  I am a CEO of a large corporation.  In the inside, I was dealing with Imposter Syndrome and fears.  A dear friend of mine had experienced incredible results with Rose and she encouraged me to connect with Rose.  I am so glad I did. I knew something was wrong, but I had no idea the number of issues I was dealing with. The amount of limiting beliefs each of us is dealing with daily is astonishing.  I had no idea how much  they were  affecting  my self-esteem, productivity, relationships, and happiness and quite honestly - my  health.  I was very stressed out.  This is a must investment if you are in business, it is a must if you are a woman!"

—  Samantha J., New York

Before & After

Remember Amy and Catherine from the videos above? 

3 and 4 years later - These beautiful women are still living their best lives!


More Testimonials 


"I had tried EVERYTHING and STILL I was dealing with Anxiety, Overwhelm, Doubting Myself, Shame ... it was affecting me, my marriage and my relationship with my children.  I cannot stress enough how much Rose helped me.  I tell every woman I know to go see Rose and to clear out all the JUNK that is not making them happy or causing them problems.  My only regret is that I did not find Rose sooner!"

- Gina T., Chicago, IL


For me to spend any money on myself was unheard of.  The guilt and shame of it was too much for me to handle.  When I began to realize that my insecurities, worries, and anxiety was negatively affecting my children - I knew I had to do something.  I can tell you that the new me would have paid 10x what I paid to feel this incredible.  My anxiety is completely gone.  All my negative thoughts are completely gone and I no longer of a scarcity mindset.  In fact, I have embraced the importance of self-care.  As Rose says, "You can't pour from an empty cup." I am so patient and so calm, and it is having a definite positive impact on my children, on my marriage and regarding my job. It is wonderful.

​- Gina E., Kansas City


My Naturopathic Doctor highly recommended Rose.  She said that Rose had helped her and dozens of her clients.  Honestly, it sounded too good to be true but Rose is the real deal. She was completely committed to helping me release my anxiety and overwhelm.  In addition, through the exercises that she does, so many other issues surfaced, and she cleared them all.  I have never felt so calm and empowered.  I honestly feel as though I have gotten my life back!  Don't hesitate.  Rose is incredible.

​- Kristen O., Pensacola, FL


"I love my children, but they were DRIVING ME CRAZY, and I felt like a FAILURE as a mom.  I run a very successful business, yet I could not get my act together at home and with the kids.  Rose helped my find the inner peace, calm and limiting beliefs that I had that was causing me to over-react and be anxious.  My children now have a calm, loving and patient mom.  Thank you Rose.  Ladies do not think twice about working with Rose. It will be the best gift you give to yourself and your family!"

- Amanda P., Wilton, CT


"I cannot say enough about how fabulous Rose is! My sessions with her were unlike any I had ever experienced, and I'm an intuitive healer by trade and have done a lot of personal growth work!! She lovingly and beautifully guided me to clear old stuck trauma and emotions. It was a remarkable process and I absolutely have seen positive results. Ways of behavior and negative thinking have disappeared completely or diminished greatly since working with her. My perspective has changed as well. I feel lighter, freer, and more my authentic self. When patterns come up to be healed, I notice I am clearing them much more rapidly, and we finished our sessions a month ago, so the lasting effects are tangible."

 -Tina G., Hollywood Hills, CA


"I know that my transformation is authentic and true because ever since our first session, for every triggering type of situation that's come up, an affirmation - a powerful nugget of truth - has immediately entered my field of awareness.  Sometimes multiple affirmations have popped up to fortify me.  These are the sparks of wisdom and guidance that I've always known but did not always perceive during chaotic moments of stress. It amazes me that all my affirmations were revealed by me and through my own words during our sessions - never by Rose.  As a result of working with Rose, I feel more connected to my higher self and confident of my choices. The wisdom I truly value has been identified and named by me to transform my life experience.  My affirmations will stay with me, guide me, and keep me aligned with the best version of who I am.  It's been a wonderful awakening. Thank you Rose!"

- Lauren P., Dallas, Texas


 "I had a list a mile long of issues that I had been dealing with my entire life.  I never felt good enough for anyone or anything.  I had so much anger, shame, and guilt that it all affected my relationships with family, my husband, and my children.  I had tried everything - therapy, self-help books .. you name it.  I cannot say enough great things about Rose. She is loving, compassionate and shows tough love to get you to "the other side" as she puts it because she knows what is waiting for you.  I could have never imagined the immense change and transformation I would experience and the healed relationships in my life.  Thank you Rose.  You truly are a gift to women!"

​- Katie S., Billings, MS


"My father was a narcissist and I watched him belittle my mother my whole life.  He was a bully.  He ruled the house and what he said was law.  We did not have a voice; we did not have a say in anything.  If I spoke up, I would get the belt.  So ... I learned not to speak my voice.  I learned to shrink.  I learned to play small.  NO MORE.  I have found my truth and I have stepped into my power - THANK YOU ROSE." 

—  Maria C., Savannah, GA


"Walking on eggshells was the way of life in our house.  Never knowing what was going to set our stepfather off on a tangent.  It was his way or the highway.  We had no say.  We were treated as though we were a package deal - the only way for him to get our mother.  Anything we did - was not good enough.  Rose helped me dig deep and clear out so many deep-seated hurts and limiting beliefs that I had created as a result.  I feel as though I have been given a key to a whole new life." 

—  Stacey L., Milwaukee


 "I spent tens of thousands of dollars before finding Rose.  Therapy, Personal Development - NOTHING WORKED!!!!  I had just about given up when my Doctor told me that I NEEDED to see Rose.  I rolled my eyes but promised I would set up an evaluation.  I am so glad that I did!  I now tell every woman I know to - GO SEE ROSE!!!   She has taught me so much - about myself.  I am a so much happier, my husband is loving my new sense of self.  We are getting along better than we have in years!  Thank you Rose."

 —  Anna L., Dallas


 "I was having issues with my back. My holistic doctor told me it was on an emotional plane and that I should reach out to Rose.  I didn't know what in the world that meant but I needed relief.  Rose and I visited and she uncovered over a dozen issues such as; anger, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety and more.  She said she wasn't a doctor and could not guarantee my back pain would go away but clearing the laundry list of issues I was carrying around could only enhance my life.  She may not be a doctor - but after my 3rd session, my back pain went away!  It is incredible.  Thank you Rose."

—  Kelly Z, Idaho


 "Imagine that every time I heard a man raise his voice my chest got tight and I went into panic mode.  My head began to hurt and then I felt dizzy.  I would get overwhelmed, anxious and stressed out easily.  I had anger that I had no idea where it came from because I had a great life.  Little did I know that it was childhood programming that we all have and that suppressed experiences and emotions were surfacing.  I am so grateful that my sister-in-law told me about Rose.  Every woman needs, no they deserve, to work with Rose.  She is kind, compassionate and she will dig deep and remove everything that is not serving you!"

 - Midge L., Sacramento, CA 


 "Rose I never thought that I could get past my issues of guilt and trauma. I tried everything - and nothing worked.   Thank You for helping me release so much emotional baggage, I will be forever grateful for my sessions! Since our sessions in November, I have noticed a massive change in myself! Thank you" 

 —  Ranita D., Australia


 "My Naturopathic Doctor recommended that I see Rose.  I had no idea why he was telling me that my issues were emotional.  It wasn't until after my call with Rose that I realized I said I was "fine" all the time when I really wasn't.   I was dealing with worry, anger, guilt, shame and more.  I have a great husband and beautiful children and a great life ... so I thought I was fine.  I wasn't.  In fact, once I finished working with Rose, my family was amazed at how calm, happy, and easy to be around I was.  Thank you Rose for being so patient and kind.  I have so enjoyed working with you."

- Anna V., LaJolla, CA


 "I left corporate to start my own business.    I started to develop fears and Imposter Syndrome.  I started to worry all the time about money.  A friend of mine told me about Rose and I have to say that at first, I wondered if she could help me.  She did!  It is incredible the deep knowledge and compassion she has as well as the incredible tools and techniques that she uses to dive deep into your unconscious mind.  She helped uncover issues (like a generational pattern of scarcity mindset) that I was not even aware of. After the Emotional Healing and Mindset we moved on to business coaching.   I am now calm, confident and moving forward in my power and in my zone of genius.  Every woman deserves to experience this level of emotional freedom."

​- Anna C., Manchester, England


 "The only regret I have is NOT finding Rose sooner.  To think of all the years, I spent carrying so much baggage, so much pain.  The hurt, shame, feeling unworthy, unlovable and that all my worth was tied up in my performance.  To the outside world I am a powerful CEO of a large corporation.  In the inside, I was dealing with Imposter Syndrome and fears.  A dear friend of mine had experienced incredible results with Rose and she encouraged me to reach out for a Free Consultation.  I am so glad I did. I knew something was wrong, but I had no idea the number of issues I was dealing with. The amount of limiting beliefs each of us is dealing with daily is astonishing and they are affecting our businesses, productivity, relationships, and happiness and quite honestly, our health.  This is a must investment if you are in business, it is a must if you are a woman!"

—  Samantha J., New York


"I was stuck.  There was no other way to describe it.  I wasn't sure what my purpose was or what I was going to do with the rest of my life.  My four grown children were all gone. I had been their caretaker for over 30 years but now they all had their own lives.  I was embarrassed to call Rose because I thought it was a silly problem.  She quickly put me at ease letting me know that many women experience this same issue.  I not only found my purpose but I cleared so many issues that I didn't realize had really been causing issues in my relationships and in my health.  You can tell that Rose really cares. I tell every woman I know about Rose. My daughter has seen her and so has my daughter-in-law." 

- Kim Rogers, Montclair, NJ

Find Out How Thousands of Women Around The Globe Are Now Living The Life They Craved and NOW YOU CAN TOO!